The Human Comfort Standing Lamp Mire is a modern and versatile lamp that is both stylish and practical. Measuring 38 x 12 x 12 cm, the lamp has a sleek and elegant design in grey, making it a perfect fit for a variety of interior styles. The touch switch makes it easy to turn on and operate the lamp, while the ability to switch between different light colours gives you full control over the atmosphere you want to create. The lamp is easily rechargeable via a USB-C connection, ensuring a quick and efficient charge at all times. The Human Comfort Standing Lamp Mire offers a practical, stylish solution for any space, with the convenience of customisable lighting and modern charging options.
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IP44 Spatwaterdicht, wat betekent dit?
Als je verlichting koopt, kom je vaak de term IP-classificatie tegen, zoals IP44. Maar wat betekent dit precies? In deze blog leggen we uit wat IP betekent, hoe het werkt en waarom IP44-verlichting ideaal is voor bepaalde toepassingen.